Posting is free!

Posting content is completely free on Trendies. There are no gas fees or other fees associated with posting content. You will earn creator rewards for content you post, depending on staking activity.

Learn more about earning creator rewards here.

Getting started

You will need to be signed in to post or import content. Get started posting content by clicking any “New post” button (or the “+” button on mobile) within a community.

Importing content from X/Twitter and Farcaster

Select “Import” on the create content modal. All you need to import content from X/Twitter or Farcaster is a valid link. Paste your link into the field. If your link is valid, a preview will load.


<aside> 💡 You will only earn creator rewards on imported content if you are the original poster on X/Twitter or Farcaster. You can always import your own content. You will need to be signed in via X/Twitter or Farcaster to claim rewards on imported posts.


Posting native content

Select “Create” on the create content modal to post native content. You can post anything, including text, links, and images. Click the image icon to upload an image.
