Why like posts?

Likers contribute to the community by helping to curate the best posts each day, rewarding the creators of those high quality posts.

Likers earn rewards for liking posts based on how early they like and how many other likes get added to the post. Rewards are allocated at the end of each day (epoch).

Learn more about how rewards for liking posts are calculated here.

Daily likes

You get a daily like allocation based on your purchased coins, staked coins, and earned rewards:

Your daily likes allocation refreshes every day at 2PM UTC. Unused likes will not carry over to the next day.

Your daily likes will immediately increase after buying new coins or locking coins.

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Once you like a post on a given day, you will not be able to sell, transfer, or unlock your coins until the day ends at 2PM UTC.


Reward period & claiming

Each post has a two day reward period that starts on first like. During this time, anyone can add likes to the post. After the reward period for a post ends, liking is no longer allowed on that post.

Rewards can be claimed on the rewards page. Claiming rewards will immediately increase your daily likes.


You can like a post by clicking the heart icon on a post, or by going to the post page.

Simply slide the slider to your desired % or number of likes and click like.
